` Balloon Haven Bouquets ~Fabulous Foils Bouquet

Fabulous Foils Bouquet




Call To Place Your Order 909.591.8449


Oh those Fabulous Foils! Looking for a bouquet filled with truly unique shapes and proclaims the perfect sentiment well this is the bouquet for you!


Plus Tax & Delivery

Super Size or add Confetti Blast your Bouquet !! 
Balloon Haven uses Qualatex® latex balloons in all deliveries. We also use Ultra Hi-Float® to keep your balloons flying high above the rest for extended periods of time.
Balloon Haven reserves the right to make substitutions when necessary at equal to or greater value.
Prices subject to change without notice.
2 – 18” FOILS
3 – 24” FOILS
1 – 32”+ FOILS